Understanding Piping Principles.
Live Simulators with the Laars Linc Controls.(Laars Linc is now standard on the Pennant, Omnitherms and MangnaTherm Boilers).
Steve Moruzzi:
Has been with Laars for over 15 years and started off as a regional service manager. In 2018 Steve became the National Training Manager for Laars traveling around the country and has trained over 1,200 contractors from advance piping systems to how to commission boilers, trouble shoot boilers and properly set the equipment to get maximum efficiency.
Academic Integrity is a central element in learning and forms the foundation of intellectual pursuits in an academic community. All members of the University Community share responsibility for adhering to the academic and ethical principles of the University. This involves honesty in the representation of one’s knowledge and learning, and open and accurate acknowledgement in one’s academic work of any indebtedness to the work
of others. A breach of these standards will be treated seriously and not be tolerated. Students are expected to learn and embrace academic integrity as an essential part of their education.