Kellenberg Hall Mechanical Room services both Kellenberg and Casey Buildings. Casey is located 200′ from Kellenberg Hall and serviced through an underground distribution system.
Kellenberg Hall was built back in 1957 and until 2019 the building was using the original boilers. The only upgrades on the boilers over 62 years, went from coal to oil to natural gas and it was time for a major upgrade!
Molloy College chose to go with the Laars High-Efficiency Magntherms with a 20:1 turndown!
The buildings are divided into 4-Zones. Three in Kellenberg Hall and 1 Zone for Casey Hall. The college used Armstrong Dual Arm Pumps with Design Envelope Technology to maximize energy efficiency.
Bryant Air Conditioning designed and installed the Laars Boiler System. Rick Spinelli, President of Bryant A/C was on a tight schedule to have the heating system up and running before school started in September. Bryant chose to use Aquatechnik Fusion Piping for the boiler system header which came to the job pre-made. Due to its lite weight, it was very easy to install using 1 scissor jack and comes with a 30-year warranty.